Thursday, March 20, 2014


(This poem is dedicated to every woman out there. Tall, short, dark, white. We are all beautiful, despite the drama we go through with our hair, body and skin. Take a look in the mirror and say "damn I am beautiful.")  


He looked at me; up down,
And said,
But you are too short, you are too fat,
Your hair is too kinky,your skin is too dark,
I smiled... Smiled at his insecurities...

Smiled because I wished that he knew of the many times that I had cried;
Cried because of other people's insecurities,
Cried because I thought that I wasn't good enough,
Or tall enough, or too dark...

But I cry no more, because I am a beautiful woman...
And I smile when he says that I am not good enough,
I smile because I am not defined by the color of my skin,
Nor the size of my trousers, or the bra that I wear,
My beauty is not determined by the shoes on my feet,
Or the size of my waist; nor the kilos of my buttocks.

I am beautiful because I am passionate,
I am dedicated, I am strong....
I am beautiful because I have been called ugly;
By insecure people...
I am beautiful because I have learnt to smile...
And to rise up and walk...or run...
I am beautiful because I have learnt to fight back...

To see how beautiful I am, you must look deeper;
You must look past my physical attributes,
Past the shape of my body, the curve of my hips,
Past the movement of my buttocks as I walk...

Because when you find that beauty in me;
In any woman, then you have found